Savanna Studio Recipe

Mix, but do not shake:

36 students armed with sketchbooks and camping gear

3 instructors prepared with information and an agenda

5 university vans equipped with walkie-talkies and spare keys

Then add a plethora of interesting historic, cultural and native landscapes over 7000 miles, and you have an adventure to remember!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Day TWO | the weatherman said it was going to be windy

            Today we started the day off with the best breakfast of the savanna studio. There was scrambled eggs, sausage, biscuits, gravy, doughnuts, and other various breakfast items; it was delicious to say the least. Then we spent the day around the St. Louis arch. It was a close walk since we were staying nearly right underneath it. Our hotel room was actually on a corner of the building so we had two walls that were just solid windows overlooking the city, which was absolutely gorgeous at sunrise and sunset. When we left this morning, it was freezing. The weather man said it was going to be windy today...that was an understatement. The wind was intense; first went Gary's hat, then a few others. Within seconds we were in a tornado of papers as Tony's folder got blown away, and took many people to help scramble to collect them. Today was my place project, so I spent the morning taking a few hundred pictures of the arch and its surroundings for my collage project before we went underground to the museum. I was so amazed at how big it was! I had been walking on top of it all morning and had no idea! It was really nice, although we all had to go through airport security just to get in-which was kind of funny, since the majority of us were carrying knives. We didn't get to take a ride to the top of the arch, which would have been sweet, but instead spent the afternoon across a few blocks in CityGardens. -Jennifer Stromberg

Under the Arch

            in the afternoon,we went to a sculpture park called Citygarden. This community public space is quite new---it was established at 2009. The designer of Citygarden was inspired by the flowing shape of river, and he showed that though three main water features and waving shaped seating wall. We did a scored card analysis there again, and this time we decided our own space to analysis according to the position of the sculpture we were assigned. Although all of the sculptures looks good alone, the situation is different while putting them in a large environment. Some of them blended in very well, for instance, the one called Tai Chi Single Whip, which was located along a river shaped curving seating wall. The movement of the sculpture was expanded and continued to a larger landscape though this seating wall and this makes the the sculpture blended into the landscape really well.

Making good use of the popcorn machine
           At night, it was working time. The lobby was full of our people working on the scored card project. Oh, and the dinner was very nice, i guess that's because we were all hungry. Some of us stayed very late that night, to work on their project and it turned out really good the next day!---Sifei Liu

1 comment:

  1. WE WANT MORE....

    It's Day 5!!! Savanna Studio, where are you?????

    Start posting!
